11th Month Warranty Inspections
11th Month Warranty Inspections
11th Month Warranty Inspections
What is an 11th Month Warranty Inspection?
Every new home includes a one year warranty by the builder, covering defects in workmanship or materials. If you have an inspection performed before the one-year warranty has expired, typically during the 11th month, the builder can repair any defects discovered by the inspection which are covered under warranty.
Who needs an 11th Month Warranty Inspection?
Every new home construction buyer and homeowner, prior to the expiration of the one year warranty. Documenting the condition of your home with an independent inspector gives you leverage when your builder conducts the one-year walk-through and provides you with a legal advantage in the event that repairs are not completed satisfactorily.
Why do you need an 11th Month Warranty Inspection?
No home is perfect, protect your investment. While you may be aware of obvious defects, overlooked, forgotten, hidden, technical, or other problems may exist and otherwise be unknown. Over time, hidden defects cause substantial damage and expenses to homes. If found during the warranty period, the inspection can substantially protect your investment by having defects corrected by the builder.
Is your home susceptible to moisture intrusion due to installation techniques? Is the roof condition exposed to the elements, damaged by hail or wind, or materials improperly installed? Are wiring faults existent and otherwise unknown? Has hardware loosened to the point of susceptibility to future damage? These are just a few examples of hidden defects that can produce higher repair costs in the future, but may be protected under your warranty. For a small fraction of what you paid for your new home, a professional inspection can pay dividends in peace of mind and in helping to identify and correct minor problems before they can become major ones.
What does an 11th Month Warranty Inspection include?
All systems and components of the home. You should make every effort to understand your warranty and protect your investment. The more you know, the more you can provide to Home Fax™ Inspections, allowing us to better inspect your home for areas covered under your warranty.
Please contact us at 833-4-INSPECT, 248-229-0945, or by email for more information.